To some, your email is scary. Here’s how to avoid that.

You’ll scare less prospects if you don’t email them sales-y messages.

No one wants to put their business—let alone their personal information—at risk for being hacked. It’s easy to click on links to emails you think are legitimate and suddenly find yourself the victim of a cyber-attack. There are two reasons for this:

First, there’s plenty of malicious code floating around the web, waiting for unsuspecting victims.

Second, companies aren’t instituting enough programs to train their employees on how to recognize these threats.

When you hear information like this in the news, it’s easy to get paranoid about email. Your prospects more than likely feel the same way. So, when a person at a company they don’t know sends them a message about an amazing opportunity to save money and make their work process easier, what do you think their knee-jerk reaction will be? Delete.

You may not even get the privilege of being deleted manually. Certain key words will flag you by spam filters and keep you from even getting to a prospect’s Inbox.

You have to be as nonthreatening as possible. How? By asking for a conversation. Explain who you are, identify the subject you want to discuss, and ask if who you’re emailing is the best person to talk to about that. If you send them more informative material about what you do, don’t write it like you would a sales ad. Make it a conversation-starter, too, by treating it like a short press release.

Rally Pumpkin

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