Your brand, three ways

In the development of your business, your task comes first – the widget you make, the expertise with which you consult, the process you provide. Second, you had to call it something; you had to “brand” it. Most likely, you consider your “brand” the name of your business and/or products, the logo that represents them, the colors of the design, and the fonts in your verbiage.

Your brand, however, is much more than colors and graphics on a page. It’s a living, breathing thing that can help you grow (or demolish) your business.

Vistage marketing experts suggest three ways to look at your brand:

What we do.

Easy enough, right? But how many times have you seen a company name that in no way indicates what that business does? Even though it’s just three letters, we all know what BMW does, don’t we? That’s because they have developed their brand so thoroughly that we only need to see the abbreviation of it.  It’s not imperative that every Tom, Dick and Harry know what you do, but if Tom is a prospect, it is imperative that he knows what your company does. So make sure that in your marketing space, your prospects know what your brand does.

What we’re known for.

Apple may be known for making computers and phones, but they’re also building the brand of “supported in America.” One of their selling points is that their support center is in California, not India. Dell’s infamous support desk in India and the barriers caused by language has hurt its brand, and has allowed Apple to capitalize on it. Your brand doesn’t just say what you do, but how you do it.

How other people use our brand to tell their story.

Why do all the work yourself? Here in the sunny South, where Pepsi and Coke were born, people have a definite predilection for one or the other, but seldom both -despite the fact that when you order a “coke,” the waitress will ask you “What kind?” You may answer “diet,” or you may say, “Sprite.” But if you answer “Coke,” they may say, “Is Pepsi ok?”  Because restaurants are often forced to choose between serving either or, but not both. Restaurants proudly display which side they’re on, with signage provided by their beverage of choice.  Do your customers use you to tell their story?

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