Yes, Email Marketing Still Works (Science Says So)

Not everyone thinks that email marketing works, because they’ve seen how spammy or salesy some businesses choose to make it. That said, there’s a lot of evidence that demonstrates how effective the right kind of marketing emails can be, and it’s all thanks to psychology. Here are a few reasons why people are practically obsessed with checking emails, and how those reasons can be used to your ethical advantage for improving your prospecting.


The fear of missing out is alive and well in our digital culture. People are constantly on the lookout for experiences, deals, and valuable products and services because they see others who benefit from them and want to feel the same way. That’s why emails that offer solutions to problems their companies are facing can be powerful tools for getting their attention. Who doesn’t want to be known as the person who helped grow their business’s active contact database by 20K records, or doubled their website traffic?


Work often carries a certain level of stress on a good day, before taking into consideration outside influences that could be adding to it (y’know, like a global pandemic). Emails alleviate that stress because they’re distracting. Plus, they’re easy to manage: just a handful of clicks and a response if the recipient is engaged enough. So all you have to do is send a quick message — four to five sentences max — with some helpful feedback and an offer to have a call. Most people probably won’t respond after that first email, but do it enough times and you’ll start to see results.

Leads Like Tidy Inboxes

Whether it’s the desire to be conscientious or to make sure they aren’t falling behind, plenty of leads care about better inbox management. So, as long as you keep showing up, you’re another item in their to-do list: either to be read or not, filed away or not, responded to or not. The more you email, the more often you’re in the queue, and the cycle continues until you (ideally) get a positive response.

Now, the Disclaimer

This doesn’t mean sending anything will make your email marketing successful (see clickbait). It’s still quality versus quantity. Try to personalize your outreach as much as possible so that it feels like you’re talking directly to your leads, instead of sending a mass email blast. Offer value so that leads look at you as a market authority, learn to trust you, and warm up to the idea of a business partnership. Conversely, don’t begin with the hard sell, and avoid common spam words and phrases so that your messages actually show up in inboxes.

Want help building out your email marketing campaigns? Let us know by clicking the link below for a free lead nurturing discussion.

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