Write shorter emails

by Erika Cannon
[email protected]

Business communications are trending toward short, simple and to-the-point, the hallmark of newspaper reporting. Finally. My newspaper journalism degree has paid off. The most important point leads (that’s newspaper-speak for first sentence), and (after I’ve just used jargon) the less jargon the better.

OK, no more jargon.

Why not? No one has time to figure out what you mean. Just say it. Ask for it. Say thank you.

Employees spend an average of 25 hours a week reading, much of it email. Unless you pay your employees to only read email, you likely want to find a way to limit that task. Start with your own emails.

Are they important? Are they helpful? Are they effective?

If the recipient of your email can’t answer “yes” to all of those, then re-write your email, and don’t send it until your recipient can answer “yes!”

Sticky tag

Could your email fit on a post-it note?
If it’s better suited for a book, you’ve written too much.

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