Why a little “friction” is good for your lead gen

By Will Rotondi

Online dating has gone back to its non-digital roots. There’s an app now that requires you to call someone before you’re allowed to text them in order to create “as much ‘friction’ as possible…so people only interact with each other ‘when they really want to.’” Put another way, it’s meant to show the other person that you’re willing to put in the effort.

Being uncomfortable is a good thing. You wouldn’t get far in any kind of social relationship if you were indifferent, personally or professionally.

Sales aren’t made with robo-calls and script-readers. They’re made with real people. The problem is that cold-calling has been script-oriented for so long that they’ve become disingenuous and easy to ignore. When people stopped talking on the phone, email and apps filled the void. Now digital space is getting crowded.

Rather than slingshot back to cold-calling, the best way to prospect is to use a combination of email and a warm call. Reach out to your ideal prospects by email first, asking who the best person is to talk with. Once you’ve found them, ask for a call. If they don’t answer, reach out a few more times with small pieces of educational material that establish your credibility in their market space and teach them more about who you are. Then, when you see that they’re reading your material, put in the effort and give them a call yourself.


When you call your prospects, don’t sound like you’re reading from a script or checking off boxes on a notepad.
Be actively involved in getting to know them.

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