Using email to generate conversations

by Erika Cannon
[email protected]

The goal of a B2B email campaign should be to generate conversations, not send more emails.

Then why send emails at all, you ask?

Even though our economy has more than recovered from the 2009 recession, companies are still asking employees to do more with less; their time is still more valuable than it was last decade. Your prospect can’t talk to you until he’s ready, and then he has to know that it’s worth his time to invest in a conversation.

That means he has to know who you are and what you have to offer him before you even say “Hello.”

Emails – and the visits to your website they drive – help educate him about your company, establish your authority in the marketplace, and build trust in your expertise.

That makes sense, but you still may wonder, how does an email generate a conversation?

Because you cannot close a deal through email or a shopping cart on your website, short and informative emails still drive your prospect to the phone. He will learn just enough about you to know when it’s time to have a conversation.

And – if your emails have been relevant, persistent and respectful – you’ll be the first one he has a conversation with.


Cold B2B prospects won’t immediately buy from your shopping cart (or paper tote).
You have to give them a reason to want your services first.


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