Bigger, Better Databases Increase Sales

1. A high quality database gives you marketing options.
A good database will include at least the following: Company Name, Prospect Name, Title, Phone, Physical and Email Addresses. This allows you to create a multi-pronged marketing approach, including Email Campaigns, Telemarketing, Direct Mail and Social Media.

2. A quality prospect database lets you target the right people with the right content.
Segmentation of your prospect database by industry category, size, location and job title information allows you to craft and send targeted messages like testimonials and case studies for maximum impact. The closer you come to speaking the prospect’s language and the sooner you do it, the better the response will be.

3. Inclusion of Email Address with all your prospects opens up the possibility of low cost drip marketing.
Email blast tools are now abundant and in most cases, very inexpensive and easy to use. With an email address you can stay in touch with your prospects and customers affordably and effectively.

4. Predictable sales pipelines are about conversions … moving prospects from one stage of the sales cycle to another.
What percentage of your suspects will be converted to prospects? What percentage of your prospects will convert to qualified prospects? How many of your qualified prospects will buy? No matter which metric you look use, the larger the denominator, the better the outcome.

5. Email addresses are an important key to the social media world.
To invite a connection with someone you don’t share a group that requires an email address. Many business people now use LinkedIn as their primary networking tool. The power of this tool will only grow in the coming years allowing for targeted prospecting, awareness campaigns and advertising. How many good email addresses do you have?

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