The dog and my database

We have a small white dog – a Maltese – who barks hysterically all the time. He’s 10 years old, and shows no signs of slowing down. In an effort to manage the barking, I consulted an expert, Larry from Barkbusters. Much to my dismay, I found out that to get the dog to perform the way we wanted to (sit, stay, don’t bark when a leaf falls), I was the one who had to do the work. The dog would not magically change his behavior without my constant work.

We had to change the way we feed him, walk him and sit with him. We had to change the way we answer the door, the way we go to sleep and the way we eat.

Databases operate much the same way. If left alone, a database does not magically produce leads, conversations and deals. It takes work. Consistent, methodical work from several angles.

You have to consistently send helpful, pertinent information. You have to track electronic behavior, and take note of who opens and clicks the most. You have to reach out to them in personal manner, as well as the usually expected blast. You have to find them on professional networking sites, like LinkedIn, and reach out to them there. You have to call them, and leave a voicemail. You may even send a postcard or a letter. Then, when you do all of that, make a note, date it, and assign yourself the next activity.

If you engage in those prospecting activities on a consistent basis, someone will respond – the one who’s interested in doing business with you.

Just like with the dog. I can’t possibly do all of those activities just right, all the time. But when I’m consistent in my behavior, the dog’s behavior improves too!


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