How to MacGyver Your Marketing Campaign if COVID-19 Has Impacted Your Budget

It is safe to say that we are all in the midst of unprecedented times, of which the economic fallout is ongoing and still largely unknown. As companies are forced to make difficult decisions in order to keep their business afloat, nonessential spending, which often includes aspects of marketing budgets, is the first to go. As marketers spend time in this holding pattern of sorts, the time for reinvention is now. Here are five ways to reinvent and “MacGyver” your marketing campaign without spending any money.

Don’t Stop Creating Content 

During this period of uncertainty, creating content is the best way to help your business stay at the front and center of your customer’s minds. Content is essential in establishing brand authority and it has proven ROI.* During these times, people are easily overwhelmed by the constant barrage of information, so your content needs to cut through the noise. Now more than ever your content needs to be relevant, robust, and engaging. People are looking for an escape, and your content has the ability to provide that.

Spend a Little Extra Time in Relationship-Building with Customers

How often do you take the time to really talk to your customers? We’re not referring to surface level conversations, we all have those. We mean real, get-to-know-you conversations. If it’s been awhile, or even if it’s not, there is no time like the present to pick up the phone and get one started. There are a number of benefits that can come from spending one on one time with your customer. These conversations can provide:

  • Feedback on your product or service’s 
  • Awareness of new or ongoing  industry wide challenges
  • Different ways that your brand can help customers 
  • Insight into your customers, specifically what there motivators and interests are
  • A deeper understanding of what their biggest challenges are at this moment, and how COVID-19 has influenced them

In addition to the opportunity to take a peek inside the mind of your customer, these insights also serve as a guiding force when creating new and relevant content.

Conduct a Content Audit

You may not realize it, but there is content in every aspect of your business. From blog posts, to emails, and everything in between, it all contains content. While it is important to continue to create new content, it’s just as important to take stock of what you currently have. Conducting a content audit will let you do just that. In addition to cataloging all of your content, an audit will also allow you to organize your content library so you can get the most bang for your buck. 

Repurpose your Content

Now that you’ve conducted your content audit and know what’s in your arsenal, you can decide which pieces can be repurposed. Topics or pain points that you have written about in the past may be experiencing a resurgence and are once again relevant. Much like renovating a house, if your content has good bones you can dress it up and decorate it any way you like. 

Check to See if your Content is Optimized

If you’ve waited to conduct A/B testing on your website, the wait is over! Now is the perfect time to switch up your headlines or play with the colors on your CTA buttons.  Have a landing page that is underperforming? Take the opportunity to look at it with a fresh set of eyes and tweak the sections that fall flat. Get creative with the design elements on your pages- you never know what will work! 

If you would like to learn more about reinvigorating your marketing campaign while on a budget, click on the link below to schedule your free 30-minute consultation with us today! 

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