Email, then call. Yes, with a phone.

by Erika Cannon
[email protected]

Email marketing is the most effective way to communicate with customers and prospects. It reaches them in an unobtrusive, respectful manner, and allows them to take action when they’re ready.

But what about that prospect or customer who needs to talk to you?


Yes, some people – many people – still need to talk to purchase a service, buy the equipment, or engage a consultant. In fact, most deals in the B2B market are done relationally – that is, in person, while talking to one another.

You can’t depend on email to do all of the work for you. Says the email marketer.

Email is helpful in making the introduction, providing background information and preparing the prospect for a sales conversation.  But email can’t have the sales conversation. Your prospect wants to talk to you, the subject matter expert, the person who can negotiate and close the deal.

So let the email do the background work of finding prospects, developing a basic understanding, or communicating regularly with your customers. But when it comes to the important part – making a sale, or upselling a client – make sure you pick up the phone. You know, that thing with the numbers on it.


Even your smartphone may put them side-by-side, but remember: Email comes first, then you have to call.

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