Don’t yell at me

I was having (what I thought was) a very calm conversation with my 12-year-old recently in which I was providing her direction on a project with which she was struggling. We were disagreeing on how to go forward, but I had not raised my voice. Both of us were frustrated.

“Stop yelling at me!” she barked.

“I’m not yelling at you,” I calmly responded.

“Yes you are,” she insisted.

If you have children, or perhaps a spouse, you’ve probably experienced this before. You are not yelling, yet the receiver of your message perceives your message as yelling, because it’s something they don’t want to hear.

I was listening to a Marketing Automation seminar this week in which the presenter talked about marketing techniques that are perceived as “yelling” by the prospective audience.

How can email “yell” at someone?

Marketers would counter that they are not yelling, that they are stating their marketing message in a demonstrative way to a prospective audience. True. But they are stating it to an audience that may not be engaged, and who isn’t interested in hearing it – yet. And they might perceive a continued barrage of email that only presents information as yelling.

People don’t like to be shouted at. They want to learn at their own pace, and engage with us. That’s why social media has been successful: businesses are engaging in a conversation with the prospective audience, not just presenting their wares.

Email nurturing campaigns through marketing automation platforms can supplement social media efforts by helping you engage your prospects in a conversation.  Keep that in mind as you prepare your next “blast.” A blast is really loud. Maybe you should just send.

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