Can we help you?

In my last blog, I wrote about dis-qualifying prospects. In the dis-qualification process, prospects sometimes work hard to help you qualify them. That’s exciting.

We dis-qualify: companies with a small territory; companies with a limited market space; companies with a conservative sales philosophy; companies who are not interested in growth. Yes, there are companies like that, and it may be yours, you just don’t realize it. Don’t worry, we’ll let you know.

Companies we qualify as prospects have an aggressive sales strategy; are hungry for growth; have a sales team that works; and a fairly large market.

What we have found to be most important is the company’s sales strategy and/or philosophy. By that I mean:

  1. You are willing to invest time in dis-qualifying prospects
  2. You have a sales team that will dig into a database, monitor prospect behavior, and be the first to reach out to prospects who have engaged electronically
  3. You have a sales team that will patiently and persistently nurture prospects who are not yet ready to engage
  4. You are willing to start with a conversation, not with signing on the dotted line (though wouldn’t that be nice)

Unfortunately, there is no magic database in sales, especially in this economy. But for sales teams who work persistently and patiently, there can be signatures on the dotted line.

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