Yes, you can get social anxiety in lead gen

by Will Rotondi

You send out dozens and dozens of emails, but all you seem to get are crickets. Or, if some people do respond, it’s usually “no, thanks,” or, “maybe some other time.”

Lead gen can be an ego-bruiser for sure. The competitive nature of sales makes me think of the competitive nature that a lot of us have when it comes to social media. There’s a reason that more studies show that social media use can lead to higher levels of depression, anxiety, and loneliness, says Time, and your email prospecting isn’t immune from being lumped into this group.

You may read about success stories with prospecting automation, and know others who’ve tried it. You may have purchased a list of data to try and leverage in the past. But when you don’t see the results that you’re expecting (and yes, those expectations are high), you start to wonder if you’re doing something wrong.


Even we have those moments at Rally.


Am I emailing too much? Am I not emailing enough? Am I not showing value? That can be the inner-salesperson talking to you out of fear.

It’s easy to panic when you prospect, rather than using that silence to your advantage. Can you track and see if your readers are continuing to open your messages and click through to your website, rather than unsubscribe? These stats will tell you whether you’re doing well, or whether it’s time to rethink your message, your email frequency, or your target market.

Even after those considerations, there’s always the chance that you’ve simply hit a lull where no one is interested. But do you stop?

Not if you want to keep the inertia going toward those conversations.

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