Time to change your prospecting tune?

By Will Rotondi

I’m willing to bet there’s more than one reason the Millennial Whoop has become a thing. People will say it’s because it’s catchy, feel-good material. I say it’s also because it’s easy to remember.

You want your email prospecting to have the same effect. Keep your messages simple, brief, and relevant, and you’ll have a better chance of being remembered by your potential customers. Just remember the number 4:

4 repeated chords in pop music.

4 sentences per email that you send.

Sounds easy to prospect, right? It’s not, because your mind isn’t wired to believe it. Marketers will write too much information in their emails because they want to show value, and salespeople will try to sell through their emails because they want to close. Instead, have all things in moderation: provide information that is easily digestible and relevant (for value), and then ask for a call (for closing).

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