Prospecting isn’t luck. It’s about feeding the fire.

Despite the occasional abnormal weather, most of us are settling into colder temps and the excuse to enjoy time by the fire. But a good-sized one isn’t something that happens instantly. You have to put in the work to feed it with enough wood and other dry brush, or you’re only in for a quick show.

Feed the prospecting fire

Prospecting requires that same kind of persistence. It won’t sustain itself on its own energy. It’s not going to produce what you want unless you give a little to get a little. Even then, results won’t be immediate. It’s an email-at-a-time kind of deal, just like dropping a piece of wood into the fire, one by one. Don’t use too much all at once, or you’ll make a mess. Don’t hold back, or the flames could go out.

That frequency is particularly important. Don’t send so many emails that you turn your prospects off by making them angry or overwhelmed. One a week is respectful enough to keep you on their radar while not making you appear pushy or spammy.

Also remember to stay consistent in your messaging. Think of it like the types of wood that you’d burn. If they aren’t dry enough, the flames won’t catch. If your email’s content isn’t relevant enough, it won’t ignite sufficient interest. When the material you’re sending is more appropriate to its intended audience, the stronger electronic engagement you’ll see—and the greater chance for responses.

Keep that prospecting fire burning, and you’ll have a healthy sales pipeline going into the next quarter.

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