Prospecting Content Depends on These 2 Audiences

You need to develop your prospecting content with two audiences in mind: the one you’re actively selling to, and the one that ranks your content for those leads — i.e., Google. To do this effectively, try to make your content interactive, modeled on your dream clients, and empathetic to their needs. Here are our suggestions on how to get started.


You might not have the budget to jump on the bandwagons for augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) just yet, but you can still make your outreach interactive. Creating surveys on LinkedIn, sharing lead magnets in exchange for contact information, posting videos, offering registration for webinars, or leveraging chat options are all ways to engage people with your brand because they get some sort of value out of the interaction. That isn’t to say that more passive forms of engagement like emails aren’t still effective from an initial prospecting and marketing perspective, because they definitely are. We’re simply saying that long-term engagement is stronger when leads see direct results catered to their choices.


Rather than mass-blast an entire database with the same messaging, make sure to segment your outreach, social media, and website content so that it’s tailored to the people you want to read it. This can depend on the type of content itself and whether or not it’s gated, as well as the products, services, and industry news you want to share. Try your best to make your outreach seem as targeted as possible so that your recipients feel like it’s directed at them — at the very least, “them” in the general sense of their industry. Then, as they read that content and engage with the interactive options you’ve developed, they’ll become qualified enough to transition to your sales team’s efforts.


In order for people to care about what you offer, they need to feel like you care about them. That’s why the best content doesn’t promote how great you think your team is. Instead, it focuses on the benefits that leads will see if they decide to adopt your products, services, or methodologies. The knowledge you provide will establish the trust that leads need to have before they’ll consider long-term partnerships.

What Will Your Content Look Like?

Are you ready to develop content that will get you more marketing-qualified leads out of your digital prospecting? If so, we’d be happy to walk you through our approach. Click the link below to set aside some time for a free lead nurturing discussion.

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