Leads don’t care about what you’re selling

Leads aren’t concerned about why you’re “the best,” who you work for, or what you offer. What they do care about is what you’re able to do for them. Despite this, many business development reps still craft marketing content that sounds gimmicky and pushy, which is why much of that outreach goes unanswered or flat-out rejected.

If you don’t want to be ignored, change your tactics for enticing your leads to read:

  1. Don’t sell. Instead, explain why you should have a conversation—e.g., “I was curious how you handle [x]. Are you the best person at your company to talk about this?
  2. Make leads feel important. You need to convey to them that you’re seeking their guidance. You want to know how they currently manage a particular problem or activity, and that requires asking probing questions. People love to talk about themselves, and those leads who feel heard are more inclined to reciprocate.
  3. Assume you’re not always emailing the right person. Craft high-level material that is broad enough to be recognized across a company’s various departments, so that those recipients who aren’t the appropriate people will still know enough about what you’re asking in order to refer to you.

If you’re still hesitating to adopt these into your current prospecting efforts, take a look at some of the businesses who have tried and succeeded. And, when you’re ready, let’s talk about how to apply them to your outreach.

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