If you can nail an interview, you can nail prospecting

by Will Rotondi

When you want to know more about someone, you probably look them up online. It’s the same whether you’re in a personal setting (Facebook) or a professional one (LinkedIn). So why are some people so turned off by email when you prospect?—for the same reasons that Reader’s Digest says many applicants aren’t putting their best feet forward before their job interviews:

You’re complaining.

It’s easy to be a naysayer on a soapbox. Approach your prospects as a force for positive change instead of harping on them about what they’re doing wrong. They’ll be much more receptive to a solution.

You didn’t check for spelling errors.

A typo here and there isn’t the end of the world. However, the more of them that you have, the more you can inadvertently resemble common spam messages that look like the products of poor English translations. Keep an eye out for grammar and punctuation in your email prospecting as much as you can so that you don’t confuse or disinterest your readers.

You made it all about you.

Prospects may not know your company, but the learning process shouldn’t be one-sided. What prospect would want to buy from you if you all did was talk about how awesome you are?

Your message wasn’t relevant (and you didn’t know)

It’s important to see how well your messages are resonating with your prospects, but it’s more than just counting the number of direct responses. Prospecting automation that can record who opens your emails and who clicks on links to your website will help you know how effective you are at grabbing your readers’ attention, even if they aren’t ready right now for a conversation.

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