Resolved to make more cold calls?

The New Year provides a great opportunity for us to resolve to do all the things we didn’t do last year.

Seriously. This year, you’re going to do it, right? You’re going to eat less, work more, procrastinate less, accomplish more.

Seriously. You can, but not with the same tools that you used last year. Because those – obviously – didn’t work.

As you build your list of New Year’s resolutions, don’t overwhelm yourself with goals that you cannot accomplish with your current methods of operation. Don’t resolve to exercise more if you’re not going to join a gym or buy running shoes. Don’t resolve to work more if you’re already working 60 hours a week. Don’t resolve to procrastinate less if you’re assigning tasks to yourself that you despise. Don’t resolve to accomplish more if you can’t work more and procrastinate less. You’re only setting yourself up for failure.

List things that you know you can do, that you like to do, and that you want to do. Set yourself up for success.

For the rest of the list, for things you have to do, find a different way to do them. Look for new tools that will work for you while you do the things you love.

(We recommend Drive Train, of course, as a new tool that will build a prospect database and develop leads so you don’t have to make cold calls for new business. Who lists “make more cold calls” in their New Year’s resolution list, anyway?)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from those in the driver’s seat at Rally Marketing.

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