Do your emails look fake?

Depending on how you like to celebrate the holidays, a Christmas tree may be in your future. But not all of those you’ll see lighting up living rooms are real—in fact, according to some predictions, just 19 percent of them will be this year.

Christmas Tree

Trees aren’t the only things we try to substitute with approximate versions. Think about email automation: you’re mass blasting hundreds of people with a message that looks like it was written to a single person. The trick, like those plastic trees, is not making that automation appear so obvious. That can already be somewhat difficult when internet law requires them to have visible unsubscribe links in their message bodies.

Some emails, however, look far too disingenuous and fake. They’re lengthy, try to sell you from the get-go, or ask you a series of questions to prompt you to engage. This makes readers more suspicious of the sender and less likely to respond, much less click through to the sender’s website.

Don’t be fake. Keep your messaging brief and direct. Write like how you speak to make your emails appear more genuine. Talk about your prospects, rather than at them. Above all else, use “You” a lot.

While you may not be able to convince everyone that you’re only writing to them, you’ll have a better chance of giving them that impression and developing new business if you follow these suggestions.

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