Can your prospects hear you now? Good.

By Will Rotondi

I set up a pretty wicked sound system this week. And the best part? It actually worked the way I thought it would – the first time. The only delay was getting all of the necessary parts that I didn’t already have. My wife will tell you if you ask: those speaker towers waited in the living room for a solid 2-3 months before I finally purchased a receiver, audio cables, banana plugs, and speaker wire that I suddenly had a need to buy.


For a lot of you, your prospects behave like I do. They may not know right now that they’ll need your products or services, but that can easily change without a moment’s notice. I didn’t expect to have those speakers by the end of last fall. But even having the need isn’t enough – you still have to learn about your options and decide which ones are the best. Then budget, and gauge your return on investment.

That all begs these questions: Will your prospects choose you when their time is right? Will you be out in front of them showing them your value and why they should partner with you?

If you aren’t laying the groundwork now, chances are that’s going to be a resounding “no.”

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