Are Your Email Campaigns Working? Here are 3 Ways to Ensure They Are

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to connect with your target audience and introduce them to your brand, but like anything, campaigns are only successful if they are regularly maintained. We’ve identified three ways to help you determine if your email campaigns are working, and how to fix them if they’re not.

Identify your Key Email Metrics

Before you even launch your email campaign, one of the first things that you should do is identify which metrics you will be utilizing. Email metrics are not one size fits all, so it’s important to find the right mix that best matches your business objectives. Spend time looking through other studies and data that show benchmarks for your industry, but be careful. These studies are helpful because they can help you to define what success looks like for your campaign, but they also lack the aspects that are unique to your program and campaign. Ultimately, the best benchmark for any campaign is reflecting back on previous ones.

Watch and Learn

Once you have identified which metrics are best for your campaign, it’s time to send it out into the world and start monitoring its performance. It is important to note that you should give your emails an appropriate amount of time to form a trend. This also gives you the opportunity to test and refine. If your email is not having the impact that you wanted, pick one thing to change for the next send out. If this works, great and if not, then repeat the process. Over time you will accumulate enough data to determine which trends work with your audience and which trends don’t.

Listen to Your Audience Responses

While there are a variety of different ways to measure the success of a campaign, nothing is more telling than the way your audience responds to it. The way that your subscribers interact with your emails’ is the best way to fine-tune your strategy, but looking at all of the response metrics can be overwhelming. To avoid being buried under data, refer back to the key metrics that you picked out to help narrow your focus. If one of your email objectives is to help drive traffic to your site, then looking at data for sales revenue wouldn’t help and vice versa. If you have email campaigns with a variety of different goals, you might want to look into implementing a marketing automation platform to help manage.

If you would like to learn more about creating and executing email campaigns that are successful, click on the banner below to schedule your free 30-minute consultation with us today.

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