“Prospecting math” will only disappoint you

by Will Rotondi

Most people view prospecting the same way they do selling – i.e. I have to make x number of calls to close x number of deals to see x number of dollars for x amount in commission.

When your job depends on math, I don’t blame you for thinking that way. The hard part is breaking you of that habit when you prospect, because attempting to do “prospecting math” will only serve to disappoint you.

This disappointment is perpetuated by asking yourself this question:

How many deals can I expect to close?

First, that’s a loaded question. You’re prospecting, not closing, so the number of deals you make comes later in your normal sales cycle.

Second, reaching out to people who have (in all likelihood) never heard of you or your services will take time. Would you immediately buy from someone you didn’t know? Of course not. Educate them on who you are, and nurture them toward a conversation. The more people you can nurture at the same time, the more hand raises you’ll get.

Third, you’re trying to reach the right people, at the right time, with the right need. Prospecting automation can’t mathematically calculate when that will happen, but it can tell you:

  • How many new prospects you’ve been able to get your name in front of,
  • What percentage of those prospects are engaging with your messages, and
  • Which prospects you should focus the majority of your efforts on for a call.

Now you can do the math: pick up the phone, schedule some conversations, and close some deals.

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