Innovation isn’t just for weekends

I read a blog recently by Fast Company that really fussed at people who just sit around thinking about innovation instead of doing it. A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the necessity to innovate, and the opportunities that lie within innovation. There’s also pain that goes with it, and the possibility of total failure, but we’ll just gloss over those for now.

The blog encourages entrepreneurs to use weekends to innovate, but I’d encourage you to use your lunch hour, your morning, afternoon, coffee with a peer, anytime, to develop an innovation. I’ve got one going in my back pocket…I’m marinating it, testing it when I can, and talking with the right people to develop it when it’s time. I have to focus on what makes money – our database and email marketing programs (which were, by the way, borne out of the necessity of innovation).

Small business owners and corporate moguls alike should always keep looking forward to developing the next thing. You are an expert right now, but who’s to say it will last forever? We do still drink Coca Cola (classic, not the new kind), but there’s no one left on MySpace, is there?

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